The Code

                        // entry point
                        function getUserInput() {
                            let principal = parseFloat(document.getElementById('loanAmount').value);
                            let term = parseInt(document.getElementById('term').value);
                            let rate = parseFloat(document.getElementById('rate').value);
                            if (Number.isInteger(principal) 
                            && Number.isInteger(term) 
                            && Number.isInteger(rate)) {
                                calculateAmounts(principal, term, rate);
                            } else {
                                alert('Please enter valid numbers');

                        // calculates amounts and stores them in an object
                        function calculateAmounts(principal, term, rate) {
                            // total monthly payment = 
                            // (amount loaned) * (rate/1200) / (1-(1 + rate/1200)(-number of months))
                            let monthlyPayment = 
                            (principal * (rate / 1200)) / (1 - Math.pow(1 + rate / 1200, -term));
                            let remainingBalance = principal;
                            let interestPayment = 0;
                            let totalInterest = 0;
                            let principalPayment = 0;
                            let loanPayments = [];
                            for (let month = 1; month <= term; month++) { 
                                // interest payment = previous remaining balance * rate / 1200
                                interestPayment=remainingBalance * (rate / 1200); 

                                // total interest amount 
                                totalInterest += interestPayment; 

                                // principal payment = total monthly payment - interest payment 
                                principalPayment = monthlyPayment - interestPayment; 

                                // at end of each month, remaining balance = 
                                // previous remaining balance - principal payments 
                                remainingBalance -= principalPayment 
                                let payment = { 
                                    month: month, 
                                    monthlyPayment: monthlyPayment, 
                                    interestPayment: interestPayment,
                                    totalInterest: totalInterest, 
                                    principalPayment: principalPayment, 
                                    remainingBalance: remainingBalance 

                            displayMortgageData(loanPayments, principal); 

                        // iterates through the array that's passed in 
                        // and displays the values on the screen
                        function displayMortgageData(loanPayments, principal) {
                            let tableBody = document.getElementById('mortgageTableBody');
                            const tableRowTemplate = 
                            tableBody.innerHTML = '';

                            for (let i = 1; i <= loanPayments.length; i++) {
                                let eventRow = document.importNode(tableRowTemplate.content, true);
                                let tableCells = eventRow.querySelectorAll('td');
                                // month
                                tableCells[0].innerHTML = i;
                                // payment
                                tableCells[1].innerHTML = 
                                // principal
                                tableCells[2].innerHTML = 
                                // interest
                                tableCells[3].innerHTML = 
                                // total interest
                                tableCells[4].innerHTML = 
                                // balance
                                // use math.abs to show absolute value 
                                // of amount instead of negative number
                                tableCells[5].innerHTML = 
                            let totalInterest = loanPayments[loanPayments.length - 1].totalInterest;
                            let totalCost = totalInterest + principal;
                            let monthlyPayment = loanPayments[0].monthlyPayment

                            document.getElementById('monthly-payment').innerHTML = 

                            document.getElementById('total-principal').innerHTML = 
                            formatCurrency(totalCost - totalInterest);

                            document.getElementById('total-interest').innerHTML = 

                            document.getElementById('total-cost').innerHTML = 

                        // formats strings into US currency
                        function formatCurrency(value) {
                            return Number(value).toLocaleString('en-us', {
                                style: 'currency',
                                currency: 'USD'

The code is structured in four functions


This function is what allows the user to interact with the calculator. The function waits and listen for the user to click the "Submit" button. Once the button is pressed, it takes in the information provided by the user on the App page, and first verifies that the information provided are numbers.

After the verification is completed, if the information does not pass the check, it will prompt the user to enter numbers only. If the information does pass the check, it stores it for use in other parts of the program to use.


This function receives the information stored in the getUserInput() function to calculate the various parts of the mortgage payment. This function will continuously calculate the information to generate the breakdown for each months payment.

The function will never generate more information than needed because it uses the term amount to set it's limit. Once it's done breaking down the payment information for each month, it will store each piece of information with a label that it can pass on to another function to use.


This function takes in the labeled information from the calculateAmounts() function as well as the initial requested loan amount. It then takes that information places it into a template to allow the breakdown of each monthly payment to be displayed on a table on the page. This function also only works until it reaches the maximum amount of months defined by the term.


This function converts all the number values in the displayMortgageData() function into US Currency values instead of very long decimal points.